June Garden Checklist

“In June, as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day.
No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them.”
–  Aldo Leopold


  • Continue to plant Bermuda.
  • Plant ground covers and tropical and warm season annuals.


  • Prune out any dead or broken branches of woody ornamentals (trees and shrubs) but avoid major pruning during summer heat.
  • Cut back spent flowers of annuals and perennials to encourage new blooms.
  • Prune spent flowers from roses and fertilize if needed according to a soil test.

Plant Care

  • Pay special attention to the water needs of new lawns, trees, and ornamentals as hot dry weather sets in. Water in the early morning hours to reduce evaporation.
  • Check crepe myrtles for aphids throughout the summer.
  • Check ornamentals, flowers, and vegetables for spider mites, prevalent in warm months.
  • Watch for bagworms on junipers and other conifers, treat as needed.
  • Watch for webworms on trees, especially pecans, and treat as necessary.
  • Apply fungicide as necessary to control black spot and powdery mildew on roses.
  • Early June is an ideal time to aerate your lawn.
  • Fertilize your warm season turf grasses if needed based on soil test recommendation.
  • Begin to harvest vegetables and fruits as they ripen.