Caldwell Pink (Small Shrub Rose)

caldwell pink in bloom
Name: Caldwell Pink
Height: 3-4′
Width/Spread: 3′
Light: Sun
Evergreen/Deciduous: SE
Seasonal Interest: Mid-spring to frost
Color/Feature: Lilac pink, fully double, almost carnation-like blossoms.  Neat, pointed foliage that turns reddish-purple in the fall.
EarthKindTM: Found/China
Maintenance: Prune back by 1/3 in late winter; remove spent flower stalks back to a leaf below the multiple flowers stems to encourage new flowering shoots.
Botanical Name

& Comments:

Rosa ‘Caldwell Pink’
Loves heat. Blooms are not fragrant. Perhaps our best summer-flowering rose.


Learn about other water-wise roses for Lubbock County, courtesy of Lubbock Master Gardener Association.